During production of components and assemblies, various measuring procedures have to be performed in order to ensure the required product quality. Precision manufacturing therefore calls for very precise test equipment and measurement methods in order to ensure the high quality of the parts.

For every component we produce, specially trained employees select the optimal test process and the measurement equipment to be used. The test and measurement technology used in the process is regularly checked, calibrated and upgraded to the latest developments in technology.

Measurement and testing laboratory

Since the components and assemblies we produce are highly customised, the test plans developed by the testing laboratory employees also have to be sufficiently versatile. These test plans, measurements and calibrations are documented and harmonised with the customer on request. In order to fully comply with our commitments, the air-conditioned measurement and testing laboratory at Wandfluh Produktions AG maintains a large variety of different measuring instruments in order to be able to check e.g. components and assemblies with complex internal contours and free-form surfaces. In addition to dimensional measurements, the laboratory's portfolio also includes hardness and roughness testing procedures.

Overview of measurement equipment
TechnologyManufacturer, type
3D coordinate measuring machineStrato-Apex 9106
3D coordinate measuring machineMitutoyo, Premier 7106
Electronic measuring microscopeGarant, MM1 200
SPC, measuring data loggingMitutoyo, MeasurLink, Digimar 816 CL
Image-based measuring system (optical, non-contacting)Keyence, IM-6225
Form and contour test instrumentQ.P.T., ConturoMatic T1
Length and height measuring devicesSIP, MUL-300

Keyence is an optical test device that provides us with fast and reliable measurement results during the manufacturing process. Measurements take only a few seconds and are fully integrated in the production process. The measured values give a good indication of any drifting away of the actual dimensions from the nominal value and are primarily used to continuously check the dimensions of turned parts in series production. The data collected in this way can be stored over a long period and then analysed.

MeasurLink – Process data

For safety-related parts or at the customer's request, the production process is accompanied by statistical process control (SPC). Process capability indices, along with a prior production FMEA (failure mode and effects analysis), form a solid foundation for one of the highest possible quality levels.

We use "MeasurLink" from Mitutoyo as a measurement and evaluation Instrument.

ConturoMatic T1

This measuring system is used for both production monitoring and testing work in the control room. It allows diameters, double contours and roughness to be measured and verified in a simple and safe manner. The contour measuring device is very versatile thanks to different probe tips and clamping devices.